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Unapei to discuss financial independence of people with disabilities

Unapei is organising a day event which will analyse the current French social support system and its failure in helping people with disabilities live independently and become financially secure.

Unapei to discuss financial independence of people with disabilities
etr Unapei is organising an event to talk about money for people with disabilities.

Unapei is an organization from France that works on the rights of people with disabilities.

Unapei thinks that there are ways of the lives of people with disabilities better.

One way is to help them get more money.The event is called “Resources and Heritage”.

Unapei is organising a day event which will analyse the current French social support system and its failure in helping people with disabilities live independently and become financially secure.

Unapei logoDespite some progress brought about by the 2005 Act on Equality of Chances, the association argues that a reform of the social services is necessary, as in the current form it does not enable people with disabilities to become economically independent.

The event will provide both short term and long term solutions, as well as offer answers to questions such as: “What is a legal warranty” and “What do I need to do so that my child with a disability be able to live decently when I die?”

Entitled “Resources and Heritage,” the day event is aimed at association leaders, legal protection and guidance professionals and heritage professionals, as well as people with disabilities and their family members.

The event will take place on 6 February. For more information (in French), please click here.


About Unapei:


Unapei is the National Federation of Associations of Parents, of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, and their Friends. Unapei is the main French NGO defending the rights and interests of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families. It has been created in 1960. As a national umbrella organization, it brings together about 550 local and regional NGOs. Unapei member organisations are committed to meet the needs of persons with intellectual disabilities, to promote their inclusion and to enable them to live a dignified life in the community. 180 000 persons with disabilities are supported by Unapei’s movement. 60 000 families, persons with disabilities and friends are in the membership of Unapei’s member organizations. Together, Unapei members run 3 100 specialised services. 85 000 staff members are employed by NGOs and services.

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