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Inclusion International helping to make disability part of the post-2015 development agenda

Over the past few years, the disability community has been participating in consultations, meeting with government officials, partnering with development organizations and others to ensure that the new post-2015 Development Agenda will include an explicit focus on disability. This is currently a top priority for the international disability community.

Inclusion International helping to make disability part of the post-2015 development agenda
etr Rich countries need to support poorer countries.

They can help them by doing different things:

Giving them money, food or medicine

  • Helping them to build schools and hospitals
  • Helping them to make sure all people can use their rights.

This is called development cooperation.

It is important that persons with disabilities
can take part in development cooperation.

Countries need to work together
to make sure this happens.

Over the past few years, the disability community has been participating in consultations, meeting with government officials, partnering with development organizations and others to ensure that the new post-2015 Development Agenda will include an explicit focus on disability.  This is currently a top priority for the international disability community.

The new post-2015 development agenda will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of eight time-bound development goals to be achieved by 2015.  While much progress has been made on the MDGs much remains to be done and there has been recognition that the gains made through the MDGs have not equally benefited all people, particularly people with disabilities.

The new development agenda will influence international cooperation and the focus of international aid. It is critical to ensure that disability is included as a core component of the new development agenda.  II has been working with key UN agencies, the International Disability Alliance, and other partners; and, II members have participated in national and regional level consultations to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities and their families are reflected in the new development agenda

In June, 2013, the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda’s report, A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development, set out a universal agenda for sustainable development and to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030.

The report calls for five transformative shifts including: no one left behind, focused on ensuring no one – including people with disabilities, are denied human rights and basic opportunities.

A key message from the report is that transformative change is needed. This message reflects Inclusion International’s positions and contributions to the post-2015 consultations.

To be successful, the post-2015 Development Agenda must be inclusive and must focus on how we transform existing systems to better meet the needs of ALL. Without this foundation, we risk having people with intellectual disabilities and their families excluded from the development agenda.  Inclusion International’s upcoming World Congress will have an explicit focus on the post-2015 development agenda. Participants will have an opportunity to help shape and influence the dialogue on developing an inclusive post-2015 development agenda.

Source: Inclusion International

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