Click on a word which is in blue and bold to read what it means.

This year, because of the COVID-19 situation,
we will not have the training events that we normally do, in Brussels.
But that does not mean that we will not learn with each other.
The European Platform of Self-Advocates is organising several
online events, to connect, share and learn.

The main topics will be:
· Staying connected – why and how
· Support – how, from who, effective or not…
· Living in institutions during the pandemic
· Access to health care and protection from COVID – 19
· Lessons learned – what we do not want to experience again and how can
governments make sure we are taken into consideration during a health crisis?

We will have events in different languages:
· Czech
· French
· German
· Hungarian
· Portuguese
· Romanian
· Spanish

We are expecting to have one event in English.
All events will take place during November.
They will have between 1,5 to 2 hours long and we want you to be involved.
You can register here.
Once you have registered yourself, you will receive an email
with some points/questions that we would
like you to prepare before the meeting.
By doing that, it will be easy for you to share
your thoughts and ideas during the event.
We all will be learning from them.
We hope you can join us!