The purpose of the checklist is to ensure EU funds in the 2021-2027 programming period contribute to independent living and inclusion in the community.
Nearly 40 participants from 13 European countries came to talk about the multiple discriminations women with intellectual disabilities face, and how to tackle this issue.
The independent self-advocacy organisation announced they will be closing its doors due to a lack of state funding. Inclusion Europe strongly opposes this development.
The project "Pal4youth" of our members SPMP ČR – Inclusion Czech Republic and Zveza Sožitje has produced easy-to-read booklets for adolescents on topics such as sexual relations and health.
How can co-production help improve political participation of people with disabilities? This was the question an event co-organised by Inclusion Europe addressed.
Bryndís has been actively involved in the Icelandic disability movement for many years. Since 2013, she has been the chair of the board of Inclusion Europe's Icelandic member Throskahjalp.
Inclusion Europe strongly opposes a project for a "village" for people with intellectual disabilities in Estonia, which is merely another institution in disguise.