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“Be open about your disability and do not shut down!” – ETR

Inclusion Europe's friend Ellis Jongerius wrote an article in which she talks about her work and her life.

``Be open about your disability and do not shut down!``

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Ellis Jongerius works for the Dutch Care Institute

and for LFB.

LFB is a member organisation of Inclusion Europe

in the Netherlands.


Ellis wrote an article for the Dutch Care Institute

in which she talks about her work

and her life.

Ellis has an intellectual disability.

At LFB, she works as a trainer.

She helps other people with an intellectual disability

in speaking up for themselves.

Ellis says that the most important thing

is that society accepts

people with intellectual disabilities.

At school, she felt like she was different

from other kids.

But her parents always accepted her

and she was able to get a job at LFB.

After she got a job,

she could start an independent life.

As part of her job at the Dutch Care Institute,

Ellis trains people working in healthcare.

She teaches them how to better understand

what an intellectual disability is.

For example, she tells doctors and nurses

that they should speak

in a way that is easy to understand.

Ellis also tells them to speak

directly to the person with an intellectual disability

and not to the support person.


Ellis has this advice for all people with intellectual disabilities:

Be open about your disability and do not shut down!

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

Being visible and vocal on issues directly affecting millions of people requires your support. 

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