Achim Giesa and Detlef Erasmy have been awarded with the Federal Order of Merit for their perseverance and their exemplary dedication to the cause of people with disabilities, during a ceremony that took place at Bremen City Hall.
On the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March, Lebenshilfe urged the government to provide more alternatives to the sheltered workshops for people with Down Syndrome and other intellectual disabilities.
FEAPS concluded their participation in the two-year European project ‘Let me be Me’ which aimed to combat workplace bullying of adults with intellectual disabilities.
On 14 March 2014, Inclusion Europe’s member organisations Unapei, the National federation of associations of parents, of persons with intellectual disabilities, and their friends and Nous Aussi, French association of persons with intellectual disabilities, are organising a Self- advocacy day.
Unapei together with other French organisations - APAJH, APF, CCAH and Réunica - launched a campaign for inclusive schools in France. On 3 December - the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 450 000 copies of a magazine Mon Quotidien (My Daily) were delivered to students all over the country to raise their awareness about inclusive learning.
Inclusion Ireland, Irish Autism Action and Down Syndrome Ireland called on government to start making people with a disability a priority.
On 25th of October Inclusion Europe organised a Strategic Policy Seminar for the members of its network in Brussels. In monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a key challenge recognised by Inclusion Europe’s members is the identification of evidence concerning state’s progress on disability policies and their impact on people with disabilities. Legal capacity, community living and participation of people with intellectual disabilities were repeatedly highlighted as priorities of our advocacy agenda.
The 3rd conference of the European Platform of Self-Advocates (EPSA) took place this weekend in Zagreb. Over 130 self-advocates and supporters from 20 countries joined in to claim the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities as equal citizens of their countries.