On 19 November, Inclusion Europe will organise an important Policy Seminar at the European Parliament, concentrating on Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
From 18 to 20 September, 150 self-advocates coming from 18 countries met in Graz, Austria for the Hear our Voices conference.
Self-advocates from EPSA have met in Brussels. At the meeting, they talked about different things. Here are some of the things they talked about.
As the current EU Disability Strategy comes to an end, the European Parliament is calling the European Commission for an ambitious post-2020 strategy, in which we can find some Inclusion Europe’s priorities.
The European Union (EU) is preparing to implement the next 7 years of the Structural and Investment Funding. The framework put in place for this new programming period represents a historic opportunity to protect the rights of Europe’s most excluded people – those living in institutional care.
Inclusion Europe fights for respect, solidarity and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
It is undeniable that the world is a much better place for children than it was on this day 25 years ago, when the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
László Bercse is the new chair of the EPSA steering group. We asked László about how he got to know EPSA and about his plans.
Inclusion Europe fights for respect, solidarity and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.