On 16 October 2013, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)2 on ensuring full inclusion of children and young persons with disabilities into society. Inclusion Europe welcomes the Recommendation which brings the attention of the European governments towards better implementation of the rights of children and young people with disabilities.
Preparation for the General Meeting started at our face2face meeting in March. The General Meeting took place in May, during the Europe in Action Conference. More than 50 people attended, most of them self-advocates.
Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 3 February 2010 at the 1076th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies
Preparation for the General Meeting started at our face2face meeting in March. The General Meeting took place in May, during the Europe in Action Conference. More than 50 people attended, most of them self-advocates.
Abandoned at birth and then secluded in Romanian residential institutions for almost 25 years, Nicoleta Nicolici and Ghizela Ghereben are living proof that people with intellectual disabilities can achieve greatness, if encouraged and supported in their goals.
In 2014 EPSA continued to implement its 2012-2014 workplan. We have produced a leaflet about EPSA that we have now in 6 languages – Croatian, English, German, Hungarian, Romanian and Welsh. We have now a new website, which is not fully functional, but we are working on it.
Organised by the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care
Respect, solidarity and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities
We have successfully organized our General Meeting and Hear our Voices. EPSA has grown with new members. We were represented in several working groups.