Inclusion Europe
On 11 February, European Disability Forum (EDF) officially presented its manifesto for the upcoming European elections at the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels. The document features the main demands of the disability movement towards the newly elected European Parliament.
Inclusion Europe
If you are actively trying to make society accessible to French people with intellectual disabilities, you can now promote your initiatives through Les Victoires de l’accessibilité contest (Accesibility Victories, in French).
As the current EU Disability Strategy comes to an end, the European Parliament is calling the European Commission for an ambitious post-2020 strategy, in which we can find some Inclusion Europe’s priorities.
Reform of legal capacity legislation to comply with the international human rights standards cannot be underpinned by the concept of ‘best interest’, concluded the participants of Inclusion Europe’s annual roundtable meeting on legal capacity and supporting decision-making entitled ‘Choice and control in my life’.
Labour Day
On the 1st of May, Labour Day, we celebrate workers all over the world. Find out more about people with intellectual disabilities who have made it to the primary job market!
Inclusion Europe and its partners in the SafeSurfing Project are calling on European Union policy-makers to take into account the needs of people with intellectual disabilities when deciding on the wording of the draft General Data Protection Regulation.
Position Paper of Inclusion Europe
Yesterday, the European Parliament declared its support for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) by adopting a resolution on realizing its full implementation.