Inclusion Europe very much welcomes the draft General Comment (GC) on Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Inclusion Europe is the European Association of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families that fights for equal rights and full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and their families in all aspects of life. We appreciate the opportunity to share the views and remarks of Inclusion Europe’s Human Rights Working Group on the draft General Comment on women and girls with disabilities.
Harry Roche - Inclusion Europe board member
Inclusion Europe very much welcomes the draft General Comment (GC) on Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Inclusion Europe is the European Association of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families that fights for equal rights and full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and their families in all aspects of life. We appreciate the opportunity to share the views and remarks of Inclusion Europe’s Human Rights Working Group on the draft General Comment on women and girls with disabilities.
In the run-up to the European elections, the European Network for Independent Living (ENIL), together with Onafhankelijk Leven, is organizing a solidarity march through Brussels, on 5 May, in support of people with disabilities.
Speech Dainius Puras
In the present study, Inclusion Europe looked with the help of its members and some national experts at some of the core issues that would make mainstream schools accessible for pupils with complex support needs. While case studies showcase individualised solutions and support, we tried to get a more general picture about the policies and practices of school inclusion of children with complex support needs.
Power Point Presentation Albert Brandstätter Andreas Zehetner Lebenshilfe Austria