Betreuungsgesetz of 1992 – the German Example for a Guardianship-Legislation on Legal Capacity and Decision Making
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) states in Article 12 that all people with disabilities should “enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life.
Making EU funds and Disability strategy work for people with intellectual disabilities and their families
Click here for the easy-to-read version   “The training was really useful and we gained a deeper understanding of easy-to-read. We will now implement what we learned at our organisation.” This was the conclusion that Eleonora Di Liberto, vice-president of the Italian disability group “Associazione Uniamoci Onlus“, drew at the end of a one-week course...
Last week, the 6th edition of the ‘In der Begegnung’- conference took place in the Bozar, Brussels.
Obtaining equal access to information and culture is an important goal for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Moreover, the importance of making reading accessible to all is paramount in fighting barriers to accessibility and in the complete and unhindered inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
Making EU funds and Disability strategy work for people with intellectual disabilities and their families
The European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) adopted a roadmap to guide service-providers in the implementation of policies which will favour transition from institutional to community-based care. In the document entitled ‘Making community-based services a reality - Roadmap on deinstitutionalisation’, the EASPD acknowledges the need for support services to move away from medical model of disability to the rights-based model.