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Online resources platform launched by the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe has launched two new online resource platforms comprising a revamped online bookshop and a free documentation resource for the general public.

Online resources platform launched by the Council of Europe
etr ‘Council of Europe’ is an organisation.
It brings together 47 countries in Europe.They work together so that people living in these countries
can have a better life.

The Council of Europe opened a bookshop on the internet.

This means you can buy books online.

They also set up a website where
you can download documents for free.

These books and documents are about rights, society,
sports, culture and many other topics.

The books and documents were done by the Council of Europe.

The Council of Europe has launched two new online resource platforms comprising a revamped online bookshop and a free documentation resource for the general public. Both sites use the same search engine, allowing users to search by topics and language and use the same basket to order books and free documents.

The platform is available to teachers, professionals, or anyone interested in the topics covered by the Council of Europe. Visitors can also sign up to a mailing list and receive the regular e-mail alerts of new publications according to their interest.

The book store can be found at:

Online resources can be consulted at

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