
At the end of his compulsory secondary education, Rafael Calderón was told that he wasn’t able to learn more. Now he has become the first Spanish person with Down Syndrome to obtain a professional degree in Music.
To end our focus on elections and the right to vote, we published a document about the situation of legal capacity in Europe.
Rafael Calderón is a Spanish musician with an intellectual disability. He has Down Syndrome. When he was at his secondary school, he was told that he couldn’t learn more. Now he has received a degree in Music.
Last January, Inclusion Europe's Milan Šveřepa was interviewed by David Klimeš for the Czech news-server Aktuálně.cz. They talked about deinstitutionalisation, rights of people with intellectual disabilities and the use of EU funding to improve the social system in the country.
Milan was interviewed about the tragic death of 8 men with intellectual disabilities in a “care home” in Czechia and discussed the issue of institutions in the country.
Last January, Inclusion Europe's director Milan Šveřepa was interviewed by a Czech journalist. Here are some of the things that he said in the interview.
Last January a fire killed 8 men with intellectual disabilities in an institution in Czechia. Inclusion Europe’s director Milan Šveřepa was interviewed by a Czech newspaper. Here’s what he said.
On February 11, Unapei was at the National Disability Conference in France, an event at which the French President Emmanuel Macron was also present. During his intervention, Unapei's President Luc Gateau urged the government to find new support solutions for people with disabilities.
On February 11, Inclusion Europe’s member Unapei took part in the National Disability Conference in Paris.
Inclusion Europe's President Jyrki Pinomaa went to Manchester to meet with Learning Disability England and attend their conference. His thoughts and impressions about the organisation were very positive.