
Locking students away in a different room or restraining them otherwise - at school, this should only be used as a very last resort. The “In safe hands” campaign of our member Enable Scotland raises awareness about the overuse of these methods. Jordan McKenna, who works at Enable Scotland, told us more about the campaign.
Inclusion Europe’s member Perspektiva, together with the Best Buddies Russia foundation, has organised an exhibition called Here I am! at the Russian Duma (Parliament). The exhibition featured photos, videos, and stories about the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, including how they study, work, make friends, and dream.
This year Inclusion Europe wants to talk about education. We think that inclusive education is better for students, teachers and parents. Our member Enable Scotland wants all children to feel safe when they go to school. In many schools, children with disabilities are kept away from the other children. Enable Scotland started a campaign to stop this. The campaign is called “In Safe Hands?”. Jordan McKenna works at Enable Scotland. We asked Jordan some questions.
The UN CRPD committee regularly reviews states that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Inclusion Europe's members are active in bringing the points of view of people with intellectual disabilities and their families to the attention of the committee. Find out more about what they have been up to.
Inclusion Europe’s member Perspektiva   and the Best Buddies Russia   have organised an exhibition in Moscow.  The Best Buddies Russia foundation supports friendships  between people with intellectual disabilities  and people without intellectual disabilities.   The exhibition of Perspektiva and Best Buddies Russia  is called Here I am! 
With our new campaign, we want to raise awareness about ongoing discrimination of students with intellectual disabilities, and get a discussion going on how we can make inclusive education happen everywhere in Europe!
Read an easy-to-read version of Helena Dalli's speech about moving people out of institutions.
Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli gave a speech at the "Towards Inclusion" conference in Brussels on "What is the vision of the future of deinstitutionalisation and role of EU?" Read it here in many different languages.
It is well known that "care" institutions of this kind are not suitable for living and represent a danger to the safety of their residents. The causes of the fire now must be investigated properly, and the survivors must get a chance to live in the community.
Self-advocates from EPSA have met in Brussels. At the meeting, they talked about different things. Here are some of the things they talked about.