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Board and staff

Since it was founded in 1988, Inclusion Europe has achieved many things.


Jyrki Pinomaa

Jyrki Pinomaa

Jyrki Pinomaa is the President of Inclusion Europe.

Jyrki has been the president for Inclusion Finland and worked for an association providing housing and services to people with intellectual disabilities.

Jyrki has 2 sons with severe disabilities.

More about Jyrki’s work at Inclusion Europe.

Email: president @ inclusion-europe . org

László Bercse

László Bercse

Theresa Shearer

Theresa Shearer

Cristina Schiratti

Cristina Schiratti
Secretary General

Jeanne Nicklas-Faust

Jeanne Nicklas-Faust 


Dana Migaliova

Dana Migaliova

Mateja de Reya

Mateja de Reya

Andreas Zehetner

Andreas Zehetner


Anastasiya Zhyrmont

Anastasiya Zhyrmont


Oswald Föllerer

Oswald Föllerer


Milan Šveřepa

Milan Šveřepa is director of Inclusion Europe.

Milan was a co-chair of the EEG (06/2017 – 01/2020).

Before joining Inclusion Europe Milan worked on deinstitutionalisation in Czechia and in other countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

More about Milan’s work at Inclusion Europe.

Email: m.sverepa @ inclusion-europe . org

You can follow Milan on Twitter or Linkedin.

Helen Portal

Helen Portal is the advocacy and policy officer of Inclusion Europe.

Before joining Inclusion Europe, Helen worked at the French Council of people with disabilities for European matters.

You can find Helen on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Email: h.portal @ inclusion-europe . org

Josipa Frisčić

Josipa Frisčić is the communication officer at Inclusion Europe.

Before joining Inclusion Europe, Josipa worked and volunteered at the Erasmus Student Network.

Email: j.friscic @ inclusion-europe .org

You can find Josipa on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Soufiane El Amrani

Soufiane El Amrani is easy-to-read and advocacy expert at Inclusion Europe.

Soufiane has been working with the European Platform of Self-Advocates for many years.

Soufiane is at Council of Inclusion International since November 2020.

More about Soufine’s work at Inclusion Europe.

Email: s.el-amrani @ inclusion-europe . org

Sandra Marques

Sandra Marques is the self-advocacy expert of Inclusion Europe.

Sandra supports the European Platform of Self-Advocates.

Email: self-advocacy @ inclusion-europe . org

Nina Vertot

Nina Vertot is finance officer of Inclusion Europe.

Email: n.vertot @ inclusion-europe .org

Inge Volleberg

Inge Volleberg is coordinator and researcher. Coordinator of the EEG.

Email: i.volleberg @ inclusion-europe .org

Milena Johnová works on support for Ukraine, deinstitutionalisation, and development of supported decision-making.

Email: m.johnova @ inclusion-europe .org

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

Being visible and vocal on issues directly affecting millions of people requires your support. 

Become Inclusion Europe supporter and help us keep doing our work.


