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The added cost of having a child with an intellectual disability

According to a study released by Inclusion Europe member FEAPS, having a child with an intellectual disabilities implies additional expenses of more than 24,000 euros a year in Spain.

The added cost of having a child with an intellectual disability
etr FEAPS has released a study.

FEAPS is an assotiation of organisations in Spain which fights for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities.

The study says that the families which have a child with an intellectual
disability spend more money every year than the families who don’t.

This money is spent on things like medicines, transport and care.

It is worrying because with a normal salary it is very difficult to pay for
all of the extra costs in Spain.

FEAPS and other organisations want this to change.

According to a study released by Inclusion Europe member FEAPS, having a child with an intellectual disabilities implies additional expenses of more than 24,000 euros a year in Spain.

Pharmaceutical products, nursing homes and transport are the main costs families face. Moreover, only one in four people with intellectual disabilities have a permanent job in Spain, and their average wage is 56% lower than the average wage of a person without a disability.

FEAPS strongly believes it is the combination of these two factors, along with the cuts in social welfare, which contribute to the impoverishment of the families of people with intellectual disabilities. FEAPS vice-president Juan Pérez said: “the data gathered in this report show that the families of people with intellectual disabilities have to endure a constant financial sacrifice which has been stressed by the social cuts and the current co-payment system implemented by the Law of Dependency in Spain.”

For Spanish standards, 24,237€ is a high figure, as the annual wage of a worker in Spain is 22.727€ on average. The study reveals a drastic difference when talking about people with severe intellectual disabilities, where the extra costs rise to 47.129€.

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