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The world is not designed for people
with intellectual disabilities.
We will tell you about several situations
that have been happening during quarantine
that prove it.

The government banned people
from going out on the streets.
But they forgot that there are people who feel stressed
if they do not go outside for a while.
Then the government gave permission to these people go outside.

Many people with disabilities live in residential institutions.
It is difficult to avoid infection in residential institutions.
It would be better if they lived in apartments
with fewer people and in the community
like all the people without disabilities.

Schools have closed.
Schools are sending homework online,
but many people forgot
that people with disabilities can
have a hard time using technology.
People with intellectual disabilities
are being left out of education.

It is hard to understand
the information about the coronavirus.
This shows that the government and the media
forgot about people who have a hard time understanding things.

Many people are using technology
to work and to connect with their families and friends.
Technology is hard to understand,
so people with disabilities and their families
have a difficult time to connect with their families and friends.

Article by Sofía Reyes, Amalia San Román and Olga Berrios,
who are part of Plena Inclusión (Spain).