Josipa Friscic

The event titled “Self-Advocates and Employment: My Talents for the Future”, brought together people involved or interested in the employment of people with intellectual disabilities.
On the 24th of November from 15:00-16:30 CET, Inclusion Europe organised an online event "Work to Inclusion: Jobs for people with intellectual disabilities in the labour market" as part of the “My Talents. For Diversity” project. As the goal of the project is to foster the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the open labour market through diversity management, in this event companies shared their perspective, experiences and knowledge of employing people with intellectual disabilities.
On Wednesday the 3rd of February 2021, the European Committee of Social Rights made public its decision concerning the collective complaint of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) and Inclusion Europe v. Belgium
On Wednesday the 3rd of February 2021, the European Committee of Social Rights made public its decision concerning the collective complaint of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) and Inclusion Europe v. Belgium
Inclusion Europe published a new edition of Europe for us for 2020! Europe for us is our newsletter for self-advocates. It is written in easy-to-read.
Inclusion Europe made a report called “Life after Violence“. The report talks about how to support women with intellectual disabilities who experienced violence. Inclusion Europe developed several videos about the report and how to talk about violence
In the context of the Life After Violence project, Inclusion Europe did a study on how women with intellectual disabilities cope with the violence they experienced in institutions after they have left them. Based on the methodology, Inclusion Europe developed several videos about how to talk about violence.
Inclusion Europe and EASPD developed a document explaining what is a vaccine and how people with disabilities can get one.
Steg för Steg is Finland's only Swedish-speaking association for and with people with intellectual disabilities. Steg för Steg is one of the FDUV's member associations and works to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities are heard and seen in society.
The report, Employment and Covid-19 report, is written by Inclusion Europe and Plena inclusión under the My Talents For Diversity project. The report covers the state of employment of people with intellectual disabilities, before, during and after the  COVID-19 pandemic.