Blog – 3

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The 2013 Strasbourg Freedom Drive took place on 9th-12th September. This year was the 10th anniversary of this event which gathers members of European network for Independent Living (ENIL) and supporters of the independent living movement. Key objectives underlying this campaign include mainstreaming disability, raising awareness of the needs of persons with disabilities as well as promoting independent living.
The tenth session of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was held at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 2 to 13 September 2013. During this session, the Committee considered the initial reports received from three State parties, namely Australia, Austria and El Salvador. It also adopted a list of issues on the initial reports submitted by Azerbaijan, Costa Rica and Sweden.
Organisations of persons with disabilities, service-providers, universities and research centres from 14 European countries and Canada have joined forces to pave the way towards more inclusive and person-centred support for persons with disabilities.
Inclusion International (II) held a side event on July 18 titled “The Right to Decide = Empowerment and Participation” The speakers included: Connie Laurin – Bowie, Inclusion International’s Executive Director; Nagase Osamu, Inclusion International’s Council Member, Japan; Vanessa Dos Santos, President, Down Syndrome International, South Africa; and, Klaus Lachwitz, President, Inclusion International.
The Government of the Netherlands recently announced a new Human Rights Funding opportunity of 1.2 million euros for NGOs in different countries under the Human Rights Fund Small Activities 2013.
Over the past few years, the disability community has been participating in consultations, meeting with government officials, partnering with development organizations and others to ensure that the new post-2015 Development Agenda will include an explicit focus on disability. This is currently a top priority for the international disability community.

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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