Blog – 3

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Legal services are largely inaccessible for persons with intellectual disabilities, a recent study in the United Kingdom confirmed. This study published on 29 July 2013 presents the findings of research carried out by Norah Fry Research Centre on behalf of Mencap, the Legal Services Board (LSB) and the Legal Services Consumer Panel (LSCP).
The Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (MDAC) asked the European Commission to withdraw 12 million of European tax payers' money, a lot of which is used to fund institutions in Hungary. Placing a person with disabilities into any type of institution is contrary to international human rights law and a violation of their right to live included in the community as enshrined in Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Five associations active in the disability field called for a new federal law to govern the provision of support services for persons with disabilities. The associations, including Inclusion Europe's member Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe, discussed the fundamental principles of such legislation with high-level members of Bundestag and officials from ministries on 25 June. The podium discussion was moderated by Klaus Lachwitz, the President of Inclusion International.
During the 2013 annual conference of Inclusion Europe, self-advocates, their families, organisations, service-providers and public authorities gathered in Ljubljana to celebrate the increasing longevity of people with intellectual disabilities.
During the 2013 annual conference of Inclusion Europe, self-advocates, their families, organisations, service-providers and public authorities gathered in Ljubljana to celebrate the increasing longevity of people with intellectual disabilities.
Organisations of persons with intellectual disabilities from across Europe call on public authorities, information and education providers as well as the general public to recognise the right of persons with intellectual disabilities to information and lifelong learning.

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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