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Dunja Mijatović from Bosnia and Herzegovina will become the new Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. She will take office in April and serve a six-year term.
The first woman to be elected in this position, Dunja Mijatović has built her career around the topics of human rights and freedom of the media, with positions at the OSCE and the European Platform of Media Regulatory Authorities. She has been awarded several prizes for her work in human rights.
The task of the Commissioner for Human Rights is to promote awareness of and respect for human rights in the 47 Council of Europe member states. He or she examines the human rights situation during regular visits to the these states, talking to both governments and civil society. In the past, Human Rights Commissioners have pointed out when the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities were not respected.
The Council of Europe’s anti-torture Committee will visit several European countries in 2018 and ask to report cases of deprivation of liberty, so they can be taken into account when planning the visits.
Inclusion Europe congratulates Dunja Mijatović on her election and wishes her every success in her work!
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A new Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe
In April, there will be a new Commissioner for Human Rights
at the Council of Europe.
The new Commissioner is called Dunja Mijatović.
She is from a country called Bosnia and Herzegovina.
She will be the Commissioner for Human Rights for 6 years.
This is the first time a woman has got this position.
Dunja Mijatović has received many prizes for her work in human rights.
The job of the Commissioner for Human Rights is to
make sure people understand and respect human rights.
She will visit the countries who take part in the Council of Europe,
to talk to people about human rights.
In the past, Commissioners for Human Rights have pointed out
when the rights of people with intellectual disabilities
were not respected.
You can read about this here.
Inclusion Europe wishes Dunja Mijatović all the best in her new job![:]