Click on the words in bold to read what they mean

Children are all different
from each other.
This is true for children without disabilities
and with disabilities.
An inclusive school is a place
where each child can learn
in the way that is best for them.
In an inclusive school
we support children in the things they can do.
Inclusion is different from integration.
It is not the children who need to follow the school system.
The school system needs
to better support each child.

Parents of children with intellectual disabilities
have been asking for inclusive schools
for a long time.
This is also part of the UN CRPD.
But in many European countries,
children with intellectual disabilities
still go to separate schools.
In these schools they are segregated,
and they don’t get the same education
they would get in mainstream schools.
This also means
that it will be harder for them
to find a job with a fair salary.

Inclusion Europe wants all countries
to have inclusive schools
and stop segregating children
with intellectual disabilities.
Teachers need to understand
that children can learn together
even if they are different.
For things to change,
we need presidents of schools
to start a movement.
Inclusion Europe supports inclusive education.
To do that we organise events and conferences.
Inclusion Europe is also part
of a project for inclusive education
for people with intellectual disabilities
at universities.