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Finland ratifies the UN CRPD – ETR

  The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (in short, UN CRPD) protects the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities so everyone has the support they need to be included in their community.The government of Finland has finally signed an agreement to make the UN CRPD come into power as a...

Finland ratifies the UN CRPD


etr The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities (in short, UN CRPD)
protects the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities
so everyone has the support they need
to be included in their community.The government of Finland has finally signed an agreement
to make the UN CRPD come into power as a law in their country.

Now the government must make sure that
persons with disabilities in Finland
have the same rights as others,
such as the right to:

•        go to school
•        have a job
•        live as they want

You can see pictures of Inclusion Europe member
Inclusion Finland KVTL celebrating below.










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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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