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From 18 to 20 September,
150 self-advocates coming from 18 countries
met in Graz, Austria
for the Hear our Voices conference.

One of the self-advocates who spoke at the conference
was Elisabeta Moldovan from Romania.
Elisabeta talked about her experience
growing up in institutions.

Manuel Lankmair from Austria
talked about a study he did:
he looked at the websites and programmes of political parties in Austria
to see if they were accessible.
Manuel said that the political parties still have a lot to do
to make their websites accessible.
In addition, only one political party
had a programme in easy-to-read.

Antonio Hinojosa from Spain
shared some good news from his country.
People living under guardianship in Spain

Thibeau Bastien from Belgium gave a workshop
about how to involve politicians
and people working in business
to support a cause.

At the conference there were some self-advocates
who ran for elections themselves.
One of them is Xavier Orno from Spain.
Xavier and some other self-advocates
ran for the last local elections in Spain.
Xavier hopes that other self-advocates
will follow his example
and will run for elections in their countries.

Senada Halilčević is the former chairman of EPSA.
Senada said:
“When people with intellectual disabilities
are not allowed to vote,
they don’t feel part of society. “

People with intellectual disabilities in Austria
are allowed to vote.
Two people spoke about how people with disabilities
are included in the city of Graz:
- the mayor of Graz, Siegfried Nagl
- Wolfgang Palle. He works with people with disabilities in Graz.

Self-advocates said which changes they want to see happening.
These are the same things they have said before:
- voting rights for people under guardianship
- accessible information
- employment for people with intellectual disabilities
- deinstitutionalisation
- inclusion

Read more:
- Special edition of “Europe for Us” for the conference in
English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish - Final conference messages in
English, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish
Image gallery
The pictures were taken by Simon Pilshofer.