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Inclusion Europe was at the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2019.
Many self-advocates and people working on disability rights
had the chance to speak at the event.

Pearl Lüthy from our member Insieme Switzerland said:
“I go with my friends to my local secondary school.
I want to have a good job
and earn enough money to live where I want,
just like my friends.
It’s that simple!”

Luminita Caldaras speaks for Inclusion Europe
at the Women’s Committee of the European Disability Forum.
Luminita said that she wants the next European Disability Strategy
to take into account the needs of women with disabilities.

Oscar Föllerer from our member
Selbstvertretungszentrum Wien
asked how the European Union can make sure
that students with intellectual disabilities
are not put in segregated schools.

Inclusion Europe’s director Milan Šveřepa
was one of the speakers of the event.
During his speech, Milan talked about
what we want from the next European Disability Strategy.

These are some of the topics
that the next European Disability Strategy should talk about:
- the right to make decisions
- how we can get people out of institutions
- how we can fight violence against women with disabilities
- the role of families
Moreover the strategy should have a version in easy to read and understand.

The Access City Awards were celebrated
at the end of the European Day of Persons with Disabilities.
The Access City Awards give a prize to cities in Europe
that have done a good job in being accessible.
Évreux, a city in France, won one of the prices this year.
Évreux provides information in easy-to-read.
Their information points are also accessible.
We also published a special newsletter
for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities.