Inclusion International’s new project on Civic Engagement

Inclusion International has launched a new project funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund.

A Zero Project Report 2014 on accessibility released
etr Inclusion International has a new project.

People with intellectual disabilities from African countries
will take part in this project.

This project will help people with intellectual disabilities
to know more about politics
and decide about how their country is run.


UN Democracy Fund-logoInclusion International has launched a new project funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund.

The project “Accessing the Ballot Box” will address the limited political participation of people with intellectual disabilities in Kenya, Zanzibar and Lebanon. It will identify and challenge the barriers people with intellectual disabilities face in exercising their right to political participation. The project will further increase the awareness and knowledge of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and representative organisations, service providers and governments on building inclusive democratic processes.The project strategy is to raise awareness, increase knowledge and strengthen the capacity of project stakeholders to initiate change.

The main project activities will include:

  • collection and analysis of data,
  • development of information tools and publications on the right to political participation,
  • the use of workshops and train-the-trainer programmes to build capacity.

A Global Advisory Committee, led by Fadia Farah, Inclusion International’s Vice President from Lebanon, has been established. The committee will consist of representatives from Africa and MENA, Latin America, Japan, and Europe, and will provide hands-on support to the implementation of activities and outputs during the course of the whole project period.

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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