Inclusion International’s Self-Advocacy Session: Our Voice Matters

  The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  has a big conference in June to talk about their future plans to improve life for persons with disabilities. During this time, Inclusion International has organised a side event for self-advocates. There will be presentations from self-advocates to talk about the importance of self-advocacy and share ideas on how to make life more inclusive. It...

Inclusion International’s Self-Advocacy Session: Our Voice Matters


etr The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 
has a big conference in June
to talk about their future plans
to improve life for persons with disabilities.

During this time, Inclusion International
has organised a side event for self-advocates.

There will be presentations from self-advocates
to talk about the importance of self-advocacy
and share ideas on how to make life more inclusive.

It is called Our Voice Matters and takes place
Wednesday 15 June in New York.

For more information, email:
Anna MacQuarrie.


Inclusion International is hosting an event called My Voice Matters, Wednesday 15 June 11:45 – 1:00 in New York. This is a side-event of the 9th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD at the UN Headquarters.

Self-advocates around the world have been shaping a global strategy on self-advocacy and building a voice of self-advocates united for inclusion.

The session is designed to share the experiences from self-advocates and families about the importance of self-advocacy, outline the common understanding of self-advocacy for inclusion developed by self-advocates around the world and introduce Inclusion International’s global strategy on self-advocacy. The session will offer practical tips and tools on how to be more inclusive.

Speakers include self-advocates Mark Mapemba and Barb Coppens and Inclusion International’s Connie Laurin-Bowie and Europe In Action 2016 speaker, Sue Swenson.

The event is co-sponsored by The Disability Alliance and People First of Canada.

For more information on this session, contact Anna MacQuarrie.

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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