Mencap makes Britian’s EU referendum accessible

  On 23 June 2016 Britain is taking a big vote on whether they want to stay in the EU or not. When people talk about this event and share their opinions they use words that are difficult to understand. Everyone has a right to understand the information so they know what is going on,...

Mencap makes Britian’s EU referendum accessible


etr On 23 June 2016 Britain is taking a big vote
on whether they want to stay in the EU or not.

When people talk about this event and share their opinions
they use words that are difficult to understand.

Everyone has a right to understand the information
so they know what is going on, and can vote.

Mencap have helped to make Easy-to-Read guides available,
to explain the vote to persons with intellectual disabilities.

To read the reasons why some people
think it’s best to leave the EU, click here.

To read the reasons why some people
think it’s best to stay in the EU, click here


On Thursday 23 June Britain is taking a Referendum to decide whether they want to stay in the European Union or not. This decision is important and everyone has the right to understand the information available before making their decision upon which side they support.

The political structure of the EU is complicated and difficult to understand. The media is releasing a lot of biased information and politicians frequently use technical language making it a very confusing debate. In a step towards inclusion, Inclusion Europe’s UK member, Mencap asked both campaigns to release Easy-to-Read versions of their argument. It is fantastic that this information has been made available as the outcome directly effects persons with disabilities, both British and abroad. Mencap have created excellent and comprehensive Easy-to-Read guides removing the barriers for persons with intellectual disabilities and helping them get involved in the discussion.

You can find the Mencap’s Easy-to-Read guide on each side of the campaign’s arguments at the bottom of the page here.

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