New EU Programmes to strengthen justice and fundamental rights

On 17 December 2013, the European Parliament adopted the 'Justice Programme' and the 'Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme' to be the major source of financial support in the field of justice, equality and fundamental rights.

New EU Programmes to strengthen justice and fundamental rights
etr The European Commission gives money to countries for different things.

It gives money to countries in Europe
to make sure that all people can use their rights.

It also gives money to countries
to make sure to protect people from crimes.

On 17 December 2013, the European Parliament adopted the ‘Justice Programme’ and the ‘Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme’ to be the major source of financial support in the field of justice, equality and fundamental rights.

Both programmes shall support the efforts of the European Commission in the field of justice and ensure the enjoyment of fundamental rights by all citizens.

The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme will promote the enjoyment of the rights derived from the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and enforce gender equality and non-discrimination. Moreover, it shall also help to protect consumer’s right and data protection. The programme replaces its predecessors- Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, Daphne III Programme and the Progress Programme in the actions on Anti-discrimination and Gender Equality. The budget for the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme in the period 2014-2020 is 439 million euro.

The Justice Programme should encourage the European cooperation on criminal matters and support EU action to tackle drug abuse. 378 million euro will be invested through programme in the period 2014-2020. The programme took over three programmes of period 2007-2013- Civil Justice, Criminal Justice and Drug Prevention and Information Programmes.

The European Commission will launch the first call for proposals in April 2014.

Read more on the website of the European Commission.

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