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Soufiane El Amrani: Self-advocates tell the UN we want institutions closed

On December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Inclusion Europe co-hosted an event with Inclusion International. Soufiane El Amrani gave a speech about deinstitutionalisation.

Soufiane El Amrani: Self-advocates tell the UN we want institutions closed

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On December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities,

Inclusion Europe co-hosted an event with Inclusion International.



Soufiane El Amrani gave a speech

about deinstitutionalisation.

For a long time,

we have been overlooked

and left out of discussions

that have direct impact on our lives. 


That is why we are here today. 


To present a report of what self-advocates 

from around the world expect

when it comes to deinstitutionalisation. 

We expect for all

institutions to be closed

and people to have support

in the community. 


We expect to be listened to

and to be consulted properly 

during the process of deinstitutionalisation. 

Flag of the United Nations

United Nations committee

for the rights of persons with disabilities 

is drafting guidelines for deinstitutionalisation. 


These guidelines should tell countries around the world 

what they must do to ensure people with disabilities 

are not segregated in institutional care, 

but receive support in the community. 

These guidelines must include

the views and experiences 

of people with intellectual disabilities. 


Recent report in Europe shows

that people with intellectual disabilities 

and people with complex support needs 

are very often left out of DI.


We remain to be segregated in institutional care. 

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People leaving institutions

need support establishing relations,

learning about outside world

and dealing with the

consequences of institutionalisation.


Including support to cope

with the abuse they suffered in institutions.


It is important to give people living

in institutions good information

and support about transition to community.


Good information is important

so they can make a decision about their life.


Easy to read information

is a good way of helping with that.

It is also important to support

self-advocacy and peer-to-peer activities.  


This can be done by having

a person who moved from

institution to community 

to come and talk to

those living in an institution.  


Or to support people who live

in institutions in joining self-advocacy

groups and organisations.  



Supporting people to

move out of institutions 

means helping them to

find friends and colleagues.  


Here is a quote from the chair

of the European Platform of Self-Advocates:

“We should not just build new houses.
We need to build an inclusive society” 

Read the report here.

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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