Speech of Helena Dalli at the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021

Helena Dalli is Commissioner for Equality at the European Commission. She gave a speech for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Speech of Helena Dalli at the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021

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Helena Dalli is Commissioner

for Equality at the European Commission.


A Commissioner is a person who is

responsible for a field of work

at the European Commission.

Helena Dalli gave a speach at the conference

for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities.


Helena talked about the EU Disability Rights Strategy.

The strategy describes what problems people with

disabilities face in the European Union.


The strategy says what the European Union

will do to help with these problems.

European Union flag

AcessibleEU will bring together ideas

and tools to improve access to places, services, information.


AcessibleEU will be an online platform,

like a website.


The European Disability Card is a small document,

like an ID (identity card).

The card says that the person has a disability.


The Disability Card makes it easier for people

to travel across the EU and use

services for people with disabilities.


The European Commission wants the

card to be used in all EU countries.

The Disability Platform is organised

by the European Commission.


The Platform is a new place for countries in the EU,

disability organisations, and the European Commission

to work together.


A campaign will promote the

EU Disability Rights strategy in 2022.


The campaign will show how the EU

helps people with disabilities to

have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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