
The world is not designed for people with intellectual disabilities. We will tell you about situations that have been happening during quarantine that prove it.
The world is not designed for people with intellectual disabilities. We already knew it, but we thought putting together several absurd situations that happened during quarantine would prove this even more.
We have just published the 2nd edition of Europe for us for 2020! Europe for us is our newsletter for self-advocates. It is written in easy-to-read.
Today, the European Parliament approved a motion for resolution on the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities in the COVID-19 crisis. The resolution was drafted by the Parliament’s Petitions Committee, following a petition from Inclusion Europe.
Inclusion Europe president Jyrki Pinomaa writes about his experience in Finland in times of COVID-19 emergency.
Inclusion Europe president Jyrki Pinomaa writes about his experience in Finland in times of COVID-19 emergency.
Inclusion Europe submitted a petition to defend the rights of people with intellectual disabilities in times of COVID-19 emergency.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency, there have been several cases of national laws being incompatible with the rights of people with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, Inclusion Europe submitted a petition to defend their rights as well as those of their families.
Inclusion Europe is publishing a briefing on the lack of education for children with intellectual disabilities in the Coronavirus emergency.
The COVID-19 is changing every aspect of our societies, revealing pre-existing inequalities and highlighting that work on disability inclusion is imperative. Therefore, Inclusion Europe highlights news and statements around the topic of rights of people with disabilities and their families.