
People with intellectual disabilities were abused in a hospital in the United Kingdom. Inclusion Europe asks to close these institutions now!
It was with sadness and shock, but not surprise, that we learned about the abuses (including physical violence and mental torture) that persons with learning disabilities,  intellectual disabilities and persons with autism were subjected to at the Whorton Hall specialist hospital in the United Kingdom.
Inclusion Europe's director Milan Šveřepa talks about a seminar on deinstitutionalisation he recently attended in Romania.
Our director Milan Šveřepa: "I spent 2 days in Croatia last week learning about the situation of children and of adults with intellectual disabilities being segregated in institutions."
Inclusion Europe is delighted to see The Zero Project Innovative Practices and Policies 2019 include 4 by our members.They are: Housing and person-centred support by SUMERO, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A graphic novel called Becoming Eli by Ceva de spus, Romania. Read also:...
Barbora Mikulová lives in the north of Bohemia, in a town with 18.000 inhabitants. She spent virtually her entire life in homes and institutions. But finally, she moved to her own place. We asked her about how she managed to leave the institution and how her life has improved since then.
Barbora Mikulová comes from Czechia. She has lived in institutions for most of her life but she finally lives alone now.
Silence, stigma, not being believed: This is what makes it so difficult to talk about violence against women. For women with intellectual disabilities, these barriers are even higher – especially if they are living in institutions, segregated from the rest of society, with no one who would listen.