
Jyrki Pinomaa talks about: What EU does for people with disabilities; Covid impact; Education; Employment; Deinstitutionalisation; Inclusion Europe work and plans
Bryndís SNÆBJÖRNSDÓTTIR Vice-President of Inclusion Europe wrote an article about how does a more inclusive Europe look like, how can we achieve a more inclusive Europe and how do civil society organisations contribute to a more inclusive Europe.
On December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Inclusion Europe co-hosted an event with Inclusion International. Soufiane El Amrani gave a speech about deinstitutionalisation.
To show the importance of having the right to decide about one's own life, we made reports on various aspects of legal capacity.
Inclusion Europe president Jyrki Pinomaa writes about his recent visit to Czechia, where Jyrki was leading a workshop for parents.
Former Commissioner Vladimír Špidla gave a speech at the "Towards Inclusion" conference in Brussels.
It is well known that "care" institutions of this kind are not suitable for living and represent a danger to the safety of their residents. The causes of the fire now must be investigated properly, and the survivors must get a chance to live in the community.
Getting people out of institutions is a human rights obligation. The EU has done a lot in the 10 past years to achieve this, but there is still a long way to go.
On Human Rights Day, Inclusion Europe joins organisations in Europe calling on governments and the EU to end segregation and discrimination of people with disabilities.
My Talents. For Diversity. is a European project about the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the labour market and the benefits of diversity management.