European Union

Inclusion Europe signed a letter from the European Disability Forum asking to make train travel more accessible all across the European Union.
The European Commission has made a campaign against discrimination at work. This is important for many people and also for people with intellectual disabilities. We wrote an easy-to-read text about the campaign.
Our policy officer Guillaume Jacquinot went to Dunkirk at the end of April to attend an event organised by our member “Papillons Blancs de Dunkerque”. The event focused on the European Union, how we benefit from it and why it is important.
At the end of April our policy officer Guillaume Jacquinot went to Dunkirk in France.
A milestone has been reached in negotiations on accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights. After 30 years of discussion on this question, negotiators of the 47 Council of Europe member states and the European Union finalised the draft accession agreement of the European Union to the European Convention on Human rights on 5 April 2013.